Ever since the last draft ended in 1973, proposals to bring back
conscription have lacked the support needed to win passage. However,
several factors are developing that are adding momentum in Congress
for the idea of forcing young people into the military, and the
Bush administration may wind up revising its previously stated
opposition to reactivating the draft.
A recent news report in the Washington, D.C. newspaper The
Hill says that key Democrats in Congress are about to make
another push for a military draft "as part of a critical
barrage they are preparing to launch against President Bush over
the length of troop deployments and the heavy reliance on reservists
in Iraq."
One of the key Democrats is Rep. Charles Rangel (NY), who along
with Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-SC) introduced a bill in January
that would require that all males and females between the ages
of 18 and 26 perform two years of "service." Under the
Rangel/Hollings proposal, any draftees that were not needed by
the military would be assigned to a civilian job that, "as
determined by the President, promotes the national defense, including
national or community service and homeland security."
Until now, such proposals have had little chance of receiving
a hearing in Congress, let alone being approved and signed into
law. The legal requirement for young men to register with the
Selective Service System the agency that would administer
any future draft was reinstated in 1980 after it had been
allowed to lapse several years earlier. Since then, various laws
have been passed that use economic coercion to force more young
people to comply with draft registration, but attempts to reactivate
the draft itself have not been viable because Congress has been
afraid of the public hostility toward the draft that still lingers
since Vietnam. In 1999, the House even voted to do away with the
Selective Service System, but the Senate did not concur, so Selective
Service has continued to register young men and prepare for a
possible draft. The Pentagon, meanwhile, realizing that a draft
would be a public relations nightmare for the armed forces, has
asserted that it is satisfied with the current reliance on aggressive
recruiting to fill the ranks of a military that has shrunk by
almost 40% since the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam.
Several coinciding conditions could change all of this. One is
the economy, which has always been a significant factor in the
success rate of military recruiters. Until about three years ago,
when the economy was better and young people perceived more civilian
opportunities for employment, recruiters had a difficult time
and several of the branches of the armed forces failed to meet
their enlistment quotas. This allowed recruiters to stampede Congress
into budgeting more money for recruiting, enlistment bonuses and
military pay raises, and during the last three years, while unemployment
has risen and the economy has taken a dive, all branches of the
military have met their enlistment quotas. Now it seems that the
economic downturn has leveled off, and if a slight improvement
is soon perceived by the public, that could begin to make it difficult
again for recruiters to meet their quotas, especially for first-time
The negative news about developments in Iraq, including information
about casualties and dissatisfaction among the troops, will increase
the reluctance of young people to enlist. But even more important
are the effects that war and the deployments to Iraq are having
on members of the military who would normally be counted upon
to reenlist. Stars and Stripes, a newspaper funded by the
Pentagon, conducted an informal survey in August 2003 that drew
responses from 1,935 military members throughout Iraq. Half said
their unit's morale was low and that they do not plan to reenlist.
The article on the survey that appeared in Stars and Stripes
stated, "In the past, enlistment rates tended to drop after
conflicts, but many defense experts and noncommissioned officers
have warned of the potential for a historically high exodus, particularly
of reservists."
The head of the 205,000-member Army Reserve, Lt. Gen. James Helmly,
told USA Today, "Retention is what I am most worried
about. It is my No. 1 concern." The Army National Guard,
which has a significant number of troops on active duty, was expected
to fall about 15% short of its recruiting goal of 62,000 soldiers
for fiscal year 2003. The other military branches met their goals
for 2003, but that is in part because some military members had
the end of their enlistment terms involuntarily extended under
a special "stop loss" order from the Pentagon. Based
on the reported comments from troops who are still in Iraq or
have just returned, the exodus is going to create some serious
extra pressure on recruiters to find new enlistees during the
coming fiscal year.
The remaining factor that is looming over everything else is
the possibility of additional large deployments of U.S. soldiers
to intervene in countries besides Iraq and Afghanistan. The Bush
administration has asserted the right to use preemptive force
in any part of the world that it believes is a source of terrorism
or other threat to the U.S., regardless of whether or not the
rest of the world agrees. And it's now becoming clear that, as
many of us suspected, claims of threats based on evidence that
doesn't really exist could be used as a pretext for military action.
Countries currently high on the possible target list include Syria,
Iran and North Korea, and others like Colombia, the Philippines
and Pakistan are not far below.
On top of the probable long-term presence in Iraq and Afghanistan,
it will not be possible to pursue such a doctrine with the current
size of the military. If the Bush administration is serious in
its rhetoric, it is going to need a larger military force, and
a draft may be the only way to get it.
According to the Center on Conscience and War in Washington,
D.C., Rep. Rangel has been working to line up Republicans who
would support a conscription bill. The indication is that a number
of them have agreed but will only sign onto the legislation if
and when Bush gives them the nod. Rangel, a liberal, says he is
proposing a draft because he thinks it will generate broader concern
about Bush's use of the military and motivate opposition that
would put a brake on it. However, if a draft comes about because
Bush determines he needs it to prosecute more wars and thus gives
Republican legislators the nod, the illogic in Rangel's strategy
will become fatally apparent: as a consequence of his efforts,
more young people will die, especially those with limited resources
for avoiding the draft or staying out of combat jobs, and a much
larger portion of the civilian population will be exposed to indoctrination
and conditioning that will only further militarize society.
Some organizations have tried to argue these points with Rangel
but have not succeeded. Given his unwillingness to reconsider
his strategy, plus the factors mentioned above that could lead
Bush and the Pentagon to reverse themselves on the issue, it looks
like anti-draft organizing could once again become an important
necessity possibly as early as 2004.
Information sources: USA Today, September 30, 2003; The
Hill, October 7, 2003; Washington Post, October 16,
This article is from Draft NOtices, the newsletter
of the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (www.comdsd.org)