About COMD Mast

The Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft


Buy the Say No to Draft button

  COMD is an anti-militarism organization that also challenges the institution of the military, its effect on society, its budget, its role abroad and at home, and the racism, sexism and homophobia that are inherent in the armed forces and Selective Service System. COMD activities include community education, direct action and youth outreach. Individuals sharing our goals are invited to become COMD activists and supporters.
Wainting for War Games
Photos: D.O.D.


Broken Rifle Button

Support COMD's efforts to stop militarism and promote peace and social justice.

To make a donation, print this page, complete the form and mail it with a check or money order (U.S. funds, please) to: COMD, P.O. Box 15195, San Diego, CA 92175, USA. Thank you!





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Note: COMD does not sell or exchange its mailing list.

Draft NOtices is sent automatically to those who contribute at least $16/year ($8 student/low income). For addresses outside the U.S., the minimum contribution is $20.
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