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COMD publications

"IF YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND, YOU MAY NOT HAVE TO GO: Getting out of the Delayed Entry Program." Also, "RECRUITERS LIE." Instructions for getting a DEP enlistment canceled, plus an article describing common acts of fraud committed by military recruiters (from Draft NOtices). The DEP part only is in the Spanish document.
Download.pdf - 137 Kb (11/04)
Download.pdf - Spanish: getting out of the DEP 18 Kb (8/04)

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High School Students' Rights Information

High School Rights.pdf (24Kb) Revised 9/02


Using Equal Access to Confront Militarism in Schools

When the military comes to your local high school, you have a legal right to give students an opposing view. This has been the position taken by federal district courts in Florida, Pennsylvania and Illinois and two federal appellate courts. The most broadly-worded decision came from a case that COMD took to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the 1980s. Here is the background.

Here is a collection of school policies granting equal access to counter-recruitment groups, plust other related documents: Policies


A Guide for Professional School Counselors

Rutgers Law School memo recommending that the military's ASVAB test not be given in high schools unless students' information will be kept private. (9/2013) 8 pages, 330 Kb

Revised 10/9/13        
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