Counter-militarism organizations | Top | |||||||||||||||||||
Center on Conscience
and War/NISBCO (pre-enlistment/draft counseling, lobbying on draft-related legislation) |
http://www.centeronconscience.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
GI Rights Hotline
(information and counseling for people who have joined the military) |
http://www.girightshotline.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
Phone:1-877-447-4487 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Jewish Peace Fellowship (nondenominational organization committed to active nonviolence as a means of resolving conflict) |
http://www.jewishpeacefellowship.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
National Network
Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY) (primary portal to directory of counter-recruitment organizations, key documents, basic organizing info.) |
http://www.nnomy.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
NLG Military Law
Task Force (GI rights counseling) |
http://www.nlgmltf.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities (Project YANO) (counter-recruitment organizing, youth alternatives) |
http://www.projectyano.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
Quaker House (conscientious objection resources) |
https://www.quakerhouse.org/content/conscientious-objection-resources-1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Resources from the
National Resistance Committee (draft registration, draft resistance, the military draft, and the medical draft) |
http://www.resisters.info |
Resource Center
for Non-Violence (draft counseling) |
http://www.rcnv.org/ |
War Resisters International
(international news) |
http://wri-irg.org/from-off.htm | ||||||||||||||||||||
War Resisters League
(organizing, youth activism, pre-enlistment/draft counseling) |
http://www.warresisters.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
Counter-recruitment discussion group | Top | |||||||||||||||||||
National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth Discussion Group | ||||||||||||||||||||
(discussion group for people working to counter military recruiting in local schools in communities nationwide) | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/counter-recruitment/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Anti-war veterans organizations | Top | |||||||||||||||||||
From Warriors
to Resisters
is a book containing engaging first-person narratives from veterans and
military personnel, explaining how they awoke to the reality of U.S. foreign
policy.) |
http://www.resistersbook.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Iraq Veterans Against the War | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.ivaw.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
Vietnam Veterans Against the War | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.vvaw.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Veterans for Peace | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.veteransforpeace.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Veterans for Peace, Gainesville, Florida | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.afn.org/~vetpeace/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Veterans Speakers Alliance | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.vsasf.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Student / Youth organizations | Top | |||||||||||||||||||
Press Law Center (student First Amendment rights) |
www.splc.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
History/research | Top | |||||||||||||||||||
Swarthmore Peace Library Collection | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Links to alternative news sources | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.rainbowpuddle.com/11SeptPage.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
No Conscription League Manifesto | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Goldman/Curricula/AntiMilitarism/manifesto.html | ||||||||||||||||||||
General peace and social justice | Top | |||||||||||||||||||
National Priorities Project |
http://www.nationalpriorities.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Activist San
Diego (progressive local community networking) |
http://www.activistsandiego.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
OB Rag |
http://obrag.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Peace Resource Center of San Diego | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.prcsd.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice (local community anti-war colation, does high school leafleting) | ||||||||||||||||||||
http://www.sdcpj.org/ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Action for New Directions (WAND) |
http://www.wand.org | ||||||||||||||||||||
Revised 5/23/17 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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