San Diego CARD v. Grossmont UHSD 9th Circuit court ruling, 1986 | Download
When the military comes to your local high school, you have a legal right to give students an opposing view.
This has been the position taken by federal district courts in Florida, Pennsylvania and Illinois and two federal appellate courts. The most broadly-worded decision came from a case that COMD took to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the 1980s. Here is the background: More Info Using Equal Access to Confront Militarism in Schools | Download
When the military comes to your local high school, you have a legal right to give students an opposing view. This has been the position taken by federal district courts in Florida, Pennsylvania and Illinois and two federal appellate courts. The most broadly-worded decision came from a case that COMD took to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the 1980s. Here is the background.
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