Draft NOtices is a quarterly newsletter that has been published continuously by COMD since 1980. Articles include news and analysis on topics like:
- Racism, sexism and homophobia in the military
- Key legislation
- Military recruiting and Jr. ROTC
- Grassroots organizing against militarism in schools
- Conscription and draft registration
- Military spending
- War and the environment
- U.S. military intervention
Sample articles are posted each issue on our web site. Complete issues of the newsletter are available in hardcopy only by mail*.
Articles in the January-March 2025 issue of Draft NOtices:
- Dismantling U.S. Militarism Must Be a Priority for Climate Justice Advocacy
- San Diego Has Money for War but Can’t Feed Its Poor
- Militarization in the San Diego/Tijuana Borderlines Workshop
- They Came for the Schools, Book Review
- Draft Registration Expansion Fails
Back Issues of Draft NOtices can be found in the digital collections of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Library. Visit: https://credo.library.umass.edu/search?q=draft+notices
*To receive Draft NOtices in the mail: Draft NOtices is a hardcopy newsletter delivered only to postal addresses. To request a subscription, simply send an email, along with your postal address (required), to contact[at]comdsd.org. If you wish to make a contribution to help cover the cost of DN, please send a check and use the coupon on the About Us page (unfortunately, we do not currently have a way to make a credit card donation).