From Draft NOtices, April-June 2017
— Marc Norton
On the afternoon of Saturday, January 7, 2017, I attended an indoor rally titled United Against Trump at the Women’s Building in San Francisco. The room was packed to the rafters. The spirit of resistance was high. There were inspiring speeches on defending immigrants, on fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline, on fighting for health care, on taxing the rich. There were calls to reform the Democratic Party, to get into the streets, and to make socialist revolution.
But during the discussion period that followed the speeches, one lone woman got up and said she was disturbed that, for all the speechifying, she had heard nothing about Trump’s foreign policy. The speakers seemed to be so focused on our immediate concerns that we had forgotten the world outside U.S. borders. Diamond Dave later reminded us that those borders are just lines on a map.
We forget at our peril that Trump has made it clear through his political appointments that his administration will be the most militarist, warlike and jingoist administration in modern times.
Trump and his cohorts will command the most powerful military machine in history, with the ability to conduct war on any and every portion of the globe. The Trump regime will inherit the ability to conduct unchecked drone warfare, special operations forces already deployed in the vast majority of the countries of the world, massive surveillance systems firmly in place, and Guantanamo.
The possible flash points for war are almost too numerous to list. The Middle East, already a theater for war and instability from Syria to Afghanistan, will be rocked further by Trump’s belligerence toward the Islamic world in general and Iran in particular, along with his fanning of Zionist aggression. Trump’s planned trade war with China could make the Great Recession look like just the warm-up to an economic crisis unprecedented since the Depression, which did not end until the whole world went to war. For all of Trump’s ambiguity toward Russia, the U.S. and NATO have been gearing up for war against the stepchild of the Soviet Union for the last 25 years. Standing down from that confrontation while Trump muses on refueling the nuclear arms race will be difficult indeed. And, of course, the people of Africa and Latin America are in perpetual revolt against U.S. hegemony, with who knows what crisis on the horizon.
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