From Draft NOtices, May-June 2005
— Rayanne
Editor's note: The following information was originally posted at the Tampa Indymedia Web site. When we contacted the writer for permission to reprint it, she asked us to use only her first name to protect her daughter. One reason we chose to publish this is that it illustrates the point that the military can -- and sometimes does -- go back on the promise of a specific job, even when it is written in the enlistment agreement.
I give everyone the benefit of doubt. I'm probably one of those "pushovers" that used-car salesmen like. As a matter of fact, I've been taken in by my fair share of them. I usually chalk it up to "live and learn" and vow not to let it happen again. We expect certain types of behavior from used-car salesmen. We know in advance that they will say anything to make a sale. My apologies to the sincere and honest used-car salespeople out there in the world. I know you are the exception, not the rule.
As I said, we expect certain types of behavior from certain people in the world. However, we like to think our government will act honorably in the things it does. When the recruiters contact our children, we want to believe everything they tell our kids is true. The kids listen and believe. It's the United States Government! Why would they lie or make things up? Maybe not EVERYTHING is true, but the important parts are, right?