- Lauren Reyna Morales
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Gen Z Targeted with Military Recruitment Propaganda
From Draft NOtices, April-June 2023
- Lauren Reyna Morales
Fiscal year 2022 marked a period of record low recruitment levels for the United States Armed Forces. All military branches struggled to reach their benchmarks. The Army alone missed recruiting goals by about 15,000 new soldiers, coming up 25 percent short for the fiscal year. To put the recruitment “crisis” into perspective, the military has not experienced such a problem enrolling new members since 1973, when the draft officially ended. So, why isn’t Generation Z interested in joining the military? The answer to that question depends on whom you ask.
Many conservative officials and veterans have claimed the military going “woke” has turned today’s youth off from enlisting. Proponents of this rationale blame diversity, inclusion, and racial bias trainings adopted by the armed forces as a cause for declining recruitment numbers. According to Military Times, Thomas Spoehr, director of the conservative Heritage Foundation, lamented, “Is anyone surprised that potential recruits -- many of whom come from rural or poor areas of the country -- don’t want to spend their time being lectured about white privilege?” And former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo echoed this viewpoint in an opinion column for Fox News last September. He asked, “How can we ask young men and women who have decided to risk their lives for America, even die for America, to affirm that our country is inherently racist?”