- Rick Jahnkow
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Action Needed: Stop Mandatory Draft Registration in California
From Draft NOtices, April-June 2024
— Rick Jahnkow
STATUS UPDATE: This bill was withdrawn by the author prior to a vote in the California legislature. It would have to be reintroduced to become active again.
The California legislature is considering a bill that would require the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to automatically register male residents with the Selective Service System (SSS), the federal agency that would conduct any future military draft.
The bill, SB 1081, was introduced on February 12 by State Senator Bob Archuleta (D-32). If enacted, it would amend the state vehicle code so that the DMV would automatically register individuals with SSS when they submit an original or renewal application for a driver’s license or state ID. This would include applicants between the ages of 16 and 26 who were male at birth (SSS does not register women or trans males). Since men are only required to register with the SSS at age 18, the DMV would delay registering younger applicants until they have reached that age.