From Draft NOtices, July-September 2014
Governor Intervenes to reverse earlier credential decision
—Rick Jahnkow
In April of this year, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) voted to reject proposed changes to a state regulation that, if approved, would have established a way for JROTC instructors to qualify for authorization to teach physical education in their military science and basic military drill classes. Under the proposal, JROTC instructors would have had to either pass a special skills test -- the California Subject Examination for Teachers — or complete an approved subject matter program, but they still would have been exempt from the more extensive academic standards that must be met to obtain a regular PE teaching credential.
After the CTC rejected the proposal, it was reported that Governor Brown was very upset and put pressure on the CTC to reconsider its vote. The commission then voted on June 19 to reverse its earlier decision and amend the regulation to create a special PE teaching authorization for JROTC instructors.